
Metamorphose from inside!

Retrospective as key Scrum ceremony is not supported by many tools on the market. We were the first to fully integrate it into the tool. Even more. We helped thousands of ideas not just to born, but also to be implemented.

As everything in agile, even ideas are tracked as cards.

scrumdesk scrum agile retrospective scrummaster team improvement kaizen



Every team member should have a voice. Even she is in a different country. Apply your three dots to any story and identify the most wanted ideas that ScrumMaster must help to implement in the next sprints.

scrumdesk scrum retrospective voting scrummaster agile team

Evidence of ideas is not enough!

Ideas are provided by team members because they want to implement them, not just track them!

Therefore in ScrumDesk, you can also:

  • track the status of the implementation process
  • categorize ideas
  • assign them to a responsible person
  • export them into Microsoft Sharepoint as tasks.