How to link files from Dropbox to ScrumDesk
The latest version brings the possibility to link files stored in Dropbox cloud service. ScrumDesk uses Dropbox application model which means that only files stored in Dropbox in Apps/ScrumDesk folder are available. The files might be linked to project, releases, [...]
ScrumDesk BurnDown Charts, Synchronization improvements
This version fixes v.5.5 published the last week: Burn-down charts were not displayed correctly in some cases (i.e. sprint backlog contains stories with a long history). Fixes of the synchronization in five different cases (the first update in a [...]
ScrumDesk 5.5: Custom Fields
Notice This version requires an update of repositories. You will need SQL Server administrator account to finish upgrade. Custom fields In this version users have possibility to: keep custom data in custom story fields, fields are displayed in stories [...]
ScrumDesk for Windows 5.4.13: Task Changes Synchronization
We published new ScrumDesk update that brings: Improved synchronization of story tasks [Fix] Cards are not displayed for newly created tasks [Fix] Negative values in burn down charts
ScrumDesk 5.4.12: Improved Background Synchronization
Thanks to all our customers who sent us very positive feedback on the last version supporting simultaneous editing of tasks. And thanks to customers who informed us about issues we did not identify. In the newest version 5.4.12, we [...]
ScrumDesk 5.4.11: Simultaneous editing
We have something cool today. Something unique. An Instant Board By this version, you have an instant & continuously updated task board allowing everybody to have the current backlog on a desk. Simply to say it means simultaneous editing [...]
ScrumDesk 5.3.11: Sprint Capacity Planner
New features Autorefresh of reports For all teams using LCD to display ScrumDesk reports we implemented refresh of reports every 5 minutes. It can be turned on or off on Reports page in the upper top corner. Capacity Planner [...]
Win Agile Prague conference tickets!
ScrumDesk company) and organizers of Agile Prague conference offer free ticket for Agile Prague! What you need to do is just to answer few questions. The questions are in Slovak language. Why come to Prague, October 3.-4. 2012: Because [...]
The book: Who is Agile?
As Agile is spreading more and more in the field, there is a bigger opportunity you can meet people who are involved in Agile for many years already. We at ScrumDesk appreciate a new project that helps you to [...]
ScrumDesk for Windows: All Features List
Ceremonies Project definition Product Planning Releases planning Sprints planning Parallel development of releases in one sprint Sprint execution Retrospective Estimation by Team Planning Poker® scale User Story Simultaneous editing Electronic Id Status Predefined + customizable workflow To do, Checked [...]
Free webinar: Agile on their own for Russian speaking customers
We see a lot of people in Europe eager to know more about Agile. We see people who would like to know what does it mean to be agile, how to start with it and how to evolve into an [...]
ScrumDesk Impediments Management
The latest build includes following changes. Installation Easier upgrade of repository Repository is possible to update directly from ScrumDesk directly. Only SQL Server 2008 R2 is supported. Please use Repository Manager in case your SQL server is 2005 or [...]
Webinar Agile Estimation of requirements and objectives by Tim Yevgrashyn
The next part of Agile Knowledge Hub is presented by Tim Yevgrashyn, an agile coach who works for Ciklum company. This part is focused on the agile estimation of requirements, why to do it and how to do the [...]
Agile Consultancy Services for Slovakia and Czechia
Spoločnosť ScrumDesk ponúka konzultačné služby počas posledných troch rokov. Naša viditeľnosť na Slovensku a v Českej Republike nebola výrazná, keďže sme sa viac zameriavali na spoločnosti sídliace v zahraničí. Tento rok je našim cieľom výraznejšie pomáhať spoločnostiam, ktoré vytvárajú [...]
ScrumDesk for Windows 5.2.8
This new version brings two important features: support of Windows Azure cloud data storage project-level impediments and auto-upload of changed attachments We continue to add additional rules into the integrated coach module you found usable to identify gaps in [...]