ScrumImpulz conference on Agile practices on May 27th in Slovakia – CANCELED
UPDATE: We are very sorry to inform you that due to safety concerns regarding the spread of coronavirus we decided to cancel the #ScrumImpulz 2020. For more information please visit the ScrumImpulz Conference pages. We thank you for [...]
ScrumDesk 8.44: Track Objectives and Key Results Progress
Objectives & Key Results Overview - track OKR interactively An understanding of the current status and progress of objectives and key results is quite tricky. Especially if you have multiple Objectives and Key Results. With the new Objectives [...]
Scaled Agility Meetup #2, Košice, 12.3.2020
Eben van Ellewee The Challenges of the Product Owner in a Corporate world To be the product owner in the corporate world is challenging. Huge pressure from your stakeholders, you are far from your end user, there [...]
Every product needs an elevator statement
Previously, we’ve shown you how to write a great elevator statement and some real-life examples. In this post, we’ll show you why you should start writing an elevator statement right now and how it can help you not just [...]
Elevator statement: Real-life examples and similar tools
We focused the second part of our elevator statement series on working with real-life examples and showing you similar tools. Learn how to improve an elevator statement by using our tips and asking the questions we discussed in the [...]
How to write a great elevator statement
What value your product brings? Can you explain in 30 seconds? You want to build a meaningful product that brings value to customers. But how can you do your best to stay on the right track? To focus on [...]
The History of Scrum: How, when and why
Understand the reasons, not just the process. Scrum's been around for over two decades and is helping many people successfully develop new products faster and more efficiently. This framework was officially first introduced to the public in 1995 by [...]
How to split user stories? Part 3: By business rules variation
How to split user stories properly? In previous articles you could read more on the split by workflow steps and by operations. This article brings examples on the user stories splitting by business rules variation. Business rules [...]
Became a great Scrum Master
Agile and Scrum have become widely used in IT and even though the advantages of this framework are numerous, some people don’t like it. A lot of them had their own experience with Scrum, particularly with bad Scrum. Attending [...]
Kudo cards: The Tool for Motivation and Retrospective
Being agile means receiving feedback, accepting it and changing. To get feedback you probably do retrospective once a sprint, but there are other activities that can provide ideas at any time, motivate and “spice up” your retro all at [...]
Meetup Scaled Agility v Košiciach, 10.10.2019
Po dlhšej odmlke zvolávame Agile Meetup v Košiciach. O Agile sa už toho narozprávalo veľa a v Košiciach agilné praktiky aplikuje skoro každá IT firma. Niektoré firmy však dnes potrebujú agilné princípy aplikovať vo veľkom. Preto tentokrát bude meetup na [...]
ScrumDesk Mobile for iOS is available
ScrumDesk mobile gives you high transparency and control over the management of projects in an agile way. With mobile edition you will be able: Access projects developed by your teams. Check all planned, active and finished iterations or sprints. [...]
How to split user stories? Part 2: By Operations
User stories splitting, working with epic, epic splitting into user stories. One great art. In the first part, we have shown you examples for splitting requirements into smaller ones by the process. Although this is the last division step [...]
How to split user stories? Part 1: By Workflow
The examples were created in the form of a user story map using the ScrumDesk app, where you can easily create a backlog from epics to embedded features to user stories. So far, in our consultation with the agile [...]
Ten tips for Product Owner on How to Support Daily Standup
In your opinion, is the Product Owner a member of the team? Usually, the team's answer during agile mentoring is that they are not. Although the Product Owner is not familiar with the technical development, their presence on daily [...]