ScrumImpulz 2019: Martin Kubik
The first time I met Martin Kubik, I was a little bit curious about how he is going to react to the agile transformation program he wanted to talk about. I expected a formal speech, questions that will make [...]
ScrumImpulz 2019: Andrea Provaglio
The first time I saw Andrea Provaglio, I was quite new in Agile. Andrea shared of kinds of stuff that were pretty 'high-soft-system-level' for me at that time. But man, one year later I realized what he talked [...]
ScrumImpulz 2019: Peter Benkovič
ScrumImpulz conference is not just about speakers from abroad. Since the first year of the conference, we offered an opportunity to speak to local people who experienced Agile some way and had stories to share so we, who still [...]
ScrumImpulz 2019: Silvana Wasitova
It has been ages since we, from ScrumDesk, attended and sponsored the first year of Agile Prague conference. Dozens of speakers, hundred plus people and a lot of knowledge and energy. The day before the conference sponsors went out [...]
ScrumImpulz 2019: Jorgen Hesselberg
Eight years ago I had a super great opportunity to help NAVTEQ (today is known as HERE) company go through Agile Transformation. Well, it didn't start with BigBen approach. In the beginning, it was more driven in guerilla tactic in Europe [...]
ScrumImpulz conference about Agile practices on May 30th in Bratislava
We would like to invite you to attend the 7th year of ScrumImpulz conference, the only conference about Agile practices in Slovakia. The conference is going to happen on May 30, 2019, in the Hotel Vienna House Easy in [...]
ScrumDesk 6.36.1: Project Status Overview
Project Status Overview Charts Product owners need to have an understanding of the overall status of the product backlog from multiple perspectives. Especially when it needs to be discussed with stakeholders and sponsors. With Project Status Overview chart, ScrumDesk [...]
ScrumDesk 6.35.2: Project Control Lead Time Chart
Project Lead time (control) chart The Project Lead Time chart (also known as Control chart in other tools) is helpful to Scrum Masters who take care of one of the most important metrics for an agile company - the [...]
ScrumDesk 6.34: Treemap and Analysis Reports for Product Owners
New reports Backlog Treemap The most important job of the product owner is to understand the product backlog at any point in time. The product owner needs to know what to plan as the next, what was delivered and [...]
Certified ScrumMaster course, December 11-12, 2018, Bratislava
Course Certified Scrum Master, Bratislava, 11-12.12.2018 Scrum training with a practical approach. Develops necessary knowledge and experience to deal with the most common challenges. The most popular of Agile training. This two-day training prepares for performing the role of a [...]
Write User Story correctly
A few years ago, Mike Cohn promoted a user-story format of requirements. Since then, every requirement has become accustomed to being a user story in Scrum. Even then, when it is not considered to be a good one and [...]
19 ideas to help improve agile KPI
At the turning point of the year, it’s time for the interviews in companies. Favorite review of last year’s work and proposal of new goals. Plus, their KPI. Key Performance Indicators. At the given time, it was a topic [...]
Progress Measurement in Agile Product Management
Oh, that's a great idea once again. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%. Apparently, the feature is 79% done. Round of applause, that’s a nice number. Nicer than 78%. Masturpercentobation. But what Jeff has to do with that, yes, that user Jeff. Team: ‘Ugh [...]
Manager and Agile
A story about a leader and management motivated to actively support Agile. Just the title sounds like an oxymoron to those of us, who apply Agile principles. Yes, I have to affirm that Agile is often perceived by management [...]
Definition of Ready example from a real-life
The Definition of Ready helps save a lot of money on development for little effort. Or, why define requirements properly. The Punkers team The Punkers have been the worse team for a client and their management for several years [...]