Too many requirements. Just too many…
Lots of requirements. Lots and lots and lots A story about what will your ‘Yes’ answer cause in the long run. Lots of work. If it was about fire being once here and once there. But the fire burns always, [...]
How to build a great agile team when everybody is an expert?
Yet another week of mentoring is over; the next team is ready, and another one is prepared. This time, it was, as always, quite unique and exciting. As I always say. We met a new team of people, working [...]
ScrumDesk 6.33.2: Minor changes and fixes
This time we published a few fixes and minor changes improving the usability of the ScrumDesk application to help you manage your projects easier: Dialoge Unfinished backlog items displayed when is not necessary. Work by task type, time perspective, [...]
Find what is important to develop with new reports
Finish sprint faster. Decide on incomplete items at once. It is an end of the sprint and Product Owner needs to complete the current sprint, but there are still incompleted items. It is necessary to go over the Kanban [...]
ScrumDesk 6.32: Objectives and Key Results + Dependencies
New features in ScrumDesk v. 6.32 Objectives and Key Results Dependencies tracking Faster time tracking Filter improvements Billable work Change hierarchy in the STORY MAP Measure spent time vs. capacity planned Recurring payments Objectives and Key Results (OKR) — [...]
Timofey Yevgrashyn, Agile Transformations, ScrumImpulz 2018
The keynote on Agile Transformations by Timofey Yevgrashyn at ScrumImpulz 2018 conference on Agile.
We introduce #ScrumImpulz 2018 speaker: Stanislava Pendziviaterova, Navigating Disruption – Why is integrated risk critical in Agile environments?
Stanislava Pendziviaterova is Certified System Information Auditor (ISACA), Certified in Risk and Information Systems Controls (ISACA), an organizational agile coach, and a global speaker. She has over 10 years of business risk management and coaching experience across domains such [...]
We introduce #ScrumImpulz 2018 speaker: Timofey Yevgrashyn, Agility as the way to survive – not just another fundamental study.
An experienced Agile thinker with project management, consulting, coaching and training expertise. His personal experience in IT industry is since 1997, from which more than 12 years he had been managing effective software teams with Agile methods. Over the [...]
We introduce #ScrumImpulz 2018 speaker: Antonin Moravec, COO Kentico, Agile transformation – from developers to CEO Tonda is a creative person who is happy when facing new challenges. Having worked in various roles, he has always been guided by the same question: “How can we make things better?” He is eager to help others [...]
We introduce #ScrumImpulz 2018 speaker: Fernando Colleone, Distributed teams and Agile – does it work? Fernando helps globally distributed teams to become more Agile and deliver value to customers. Senior Project Manager with 13+ years of experience working with Information Technology and Services. Proven demonstration of client relationship building as well as leading [...]
We introduce ScrumImpulz 2018 speaker: Dany „Danko“ Kovatch about the right Agile culture!
The first Certified Scrum Trainer in Israel. Well recognized international speaker with unique ways of presenting. 5 years of service in the Israeli army in a special elite program. Served as VP of R&D in several companies. Danko is [...]
We introduce ScrumImpulz 2018 speaker: Jan Majoros, eduScrum, the very real alternative for education process
Experienced Agile practitioner and active member of the Agile community. Jan has a long and successful career in management positions in corporates including Siemens. The enthusiastic person who uses Scrum for developing unique products, which helps to save peoples [...]
ScrumImpulz 2018: Martin Strigač, CEO Sygic, „Pracovať Agilne s rozumom“
Martin začal svoju púť v IT svete v Žiline ešte na škole, a neskôr, počas svojej kariéry, pracoval na rôznych pozíciách. Keď sa ako vedúci softvérových tímov a neskôr ako riaditeľ divízie dostal k Agile, produkt vyvíjaný pre zdravotné [...]
ScrumImpulz 2018. Agile in Slovakia in the next decade
Ten years seem like a lot of time but despite that, a lot of people claim that Agile practices are still very young. In 2008 we began to apply then-unknown Agile, and back then we had completely different concepts compared to today. [...]
The journey of one Scrum Master
About the life of the agile team, relations, Scrumastership, responsibilities, and some good practices. “KEEP CALM SCRUM MASTER IS HERE" When I started in one of the company’s development teams, I had no experience with Scrumastership. The team was [...]