Agile Estimation: Reference user stories
In the first part about agile estimation, we explained the fundamental principles of the estimation. Now it is time to think about how to implement them in real life. Reference stories For estimation, we will need to have 'the [...]
Agile Estimation: Principles
Estimation has been questioned in software development for many years. How can an estimate be made accurately and quickly? And is estimation even necessary? Well, that is the question for thousands of bucks. Because estimation might be expensive. Especially [...]
ScrumDesk 5.25.1: Archive old Releases
ScrumDesk is available for more than three years already and many customers finished dozens of releases and sprints. Now is the best time to forget them! With this version, you can archive release, its sprints, and backlog items so they [...]
How to build product: Let’s start with the business
Agile development works very well in the product development area. But to build a successful product is much more work than just gather requirements and implement them. One of the trickiest things in agile development is how to prepare [...]
Prioritization by Business value in Agile
The first blog post about prioritization was focused on MoSCoW - prioritization of the backlog from the perspective of customers. This is not enough for the products development of the commercial company. You need to survive, to pay bills, to [...]
How to prioritize in Agile I.: Customer’s perspective with MoSCoW
Prioritization is probably the most discussed part of development processes. Product backlogs are often quite complex with hundreds of requirements. How to find user stories in your story map which you should start developing first? Traditional approach The approach [...]
How to work with Kanban board
Agile teams track their tasks on a Kanban board that visualize the status of work with help of multiple columns. Every column means some status. The team member should move task cards between these statuses to indicate on which [...]
ScrumDesk 5.23.2: Roadmap is coming!
What you see on the picture below is a new functionality of ProductDesk module with designer of roadmaps. We are preparing it for the next major release and it is going to be huge, very huge, very, very very huge. [...]
More than 4 users? Check your ScrumDesk account before March 5th!
The change of our pricing plan has been communicated in October the last year. ScrumDesk's pricing plan is now a combination of the monthly subscription fees for user licenses and one-time payment for selected modules. On March 5th we [...]
ScrumDesk 5.21.3: Move subtasks. Integrated payment
The latest version of ScrumDesk suite allows you to pay for user licenses and to buy additional packages directly from the application. VISA/MasterCard/Diners Club cards are accepted. Move subtask to other backlog items Until this version, it was possible to [...]
ScrumDesk 5.21.1: Root Cause Analysis
RCADesk - new module for root cause analysis Are your development teams blocked by impediments? Are you sure you solve the right problems? Agile teams often hit a wall with problems they are not able to solve easily. More often they [...]
ScrumDesk and Slack Integration
Create web hook in Slack Click Integration page in team page. Add Incoming webhooks integration Choose channel where your messages from ScrumDesk should be kept. Configure this integration webhook icon, description and keep URL that is needed in ScrumDesk Configure [...]
ScrumDesk 4.20.3: Multilevel Requirements Hierarchy Backlogs
Multilevel of requirements was very often repeated request of our clients in the year 2016: to manage a portfolio of multiple small products in the same backlog, to manage non-development aspects of the product as well, to manage complex [...]
Buy ScrumDesk with user stories map, retrospectives or root cause analysis
Did Story Map and Retro menu items disappear from the left menu on ScrumDesk Start? Your 30 days trial period is over. ScrumDesk consists of multiple modules: ScrumDesk - the module for Scrum project management available for all customers [...]
Change of ScrumDesk pricing
Looking back into history of ScrumDesk It is October 2013 7:00 PM. There it is. The first commit into our git with the newest web application we started to develop. From scratch. But it is not the first one. [...]