Agile Knowledge Hub

Daily Stand-up IV. Scrum Master and scrumastership

ScrumMaster is baking the daily bread on the daily stand-up. During these meetings his abilities and knowledge are uncovered. There is a possibility to pick up some useful information about the Scrum Mastership during the certification or specialized trainings but only trough real experience can you gain the deeper insight into the nature of [...]

October 28th, 2013|Categories: Agile Knowledge Hub, All|

Scrum and Agile tips

The suggestions for this week are as follow: The article on the importance of modeling in Agile times, especially when development is built on multiple teams and shared understanding 40 minutes long talk about the correlation between safety and success of agile methods, what to do towards the change of organizational culture and to [...]

October 13th, 2013|Categories: Agile Knowledge Hub, All|

Daily Stand-up done well II.

We approached the reasons for the regular meetings of the team in the first post. Another issue ScumMaster should consider is where the daily stand-up would be held. This topic is obviously more important for the non-distributed teams. The stand-up that has taken place without any changes in a team room is the common mistake [...]

Daily Stand-up done well I.

The daily stand-up is an essential Scrum ceremony that is (luckily) often applied without any further official formalization, especially in small companies where cooperation is still based on conversation. Suddenly these meetings turn down in intensity after several months. During our coaching, many people argue it is waste of time. Why is it so? [...]

September 18th, 2013|Categories: Agile Knowledge Hub, All|

The book: Who is Agile?

As Agile is spreading more and more in the field, there is a bigger opportunity you can meet people who are involved in Agile for many years already. We at ScrumDesk appreciate a new project that helps you to recognize: who is who, what the story is behind that person, how can be given [...]

May 18th, 2012|Categories: Agile Knowledge Hub, All|

Organize the Product Backlog. The Tree of Requirements

You know that probably. Requirements are coming, coming and coming.  There is no time to stop and think about them. There is no time to organize them. There is no time to analyze your backlog so you know which requirements should be developed next. Even more, many customers ask you about new functionality or defect fixes. In our [...]

Free Scrum Guidelines

While being in agile transition, teams look for information on how to do agile correctly. Often the question sounds 'How to DO agile?' We prepared Scrum Guideline that we hope might be helpful to shorten your Agile transformation and stabilize the agile environment sooner. The paper describes all Scrum ceremonies with a focus on [...]

Scrum Resources

Do you need to learn more about Agile and Scrum fundamentals? We suggest starting with the following books. For beginners Slovak translation If you are agile already Presentations about Scrum

December 12th, 2011|Categories: Agile Knowledge Hub, All|Tags: |

Agile estimation explained: Story points vs. Hours

When defining a story, one can fill out an ‘effort’ and a ‘duration’. What is the difference between them? What is the story point? Let's start with the story point.  Scrum is „a little bit“ different than other classic project management techniques. When you want to develop some feature, you have to know the „size“ [...]

November 16th, 2011|Categories: Agile Knowledge Hub, All|Tags: , |

Agile Knowledge Hub

After four years of scrum project management solutions development, working in an agile environment, and coaching agile in organizations, we would like to announce our new approach to help our community to learn more about Agile. Doing support of our solutions we have heard a lot of questions. Despite people asking questions related to [...]

September 25th, 2011|Categories: Agile Knowledge Hub, All|Tags: |

User Stories Relations and Dependencies

The customer asked us an interesting question regarding the relations of stories in ScrumDesk. What ScrumDesk supports now is simple relations tracking solution, the possibility to track, see and print out it in documents. For the first look, some basic functionality in ScrumDesk is missing. The functionality similar to Gantt chart way of relations [...]

Scrum Glossary: Scrum Roles

Pig & chicken Metaphor that helps to distinguish people actively involved in development of the product and people who should not interrupt the team in an iteration. Product Owner Father of the product. Responsible for product success. Provides a vision to the team. Communication channel between the team, stakeholders and customers. Responsible for: product [...]

What does your BurnDown chart say?

ScrumDesk analyzes agile practices applied by teams and helps ScrumMasters to identify gaps quickly. These tips and findings of BurnDown charts are based on our 14+ years of agile coaching. Check additional metrics that ScrumDesk helps to track. Burn Down Chart is a primary scrum metric used to track the implementation progress of the [...]

Start Agile Transformation of your teams with The Drawing Game

The transition of teams to agile is always challenging. People have expectations, habits, and beliefs about Agile. We worked with teams they were saying We are agile already. Because we are time boxed. Well, yes, you are right. Partially. The agile means a much wider range of practices. An agile coach can explain principles [...]

Serious Play – accelerate your Agile transformation

Couple of weeks ago we were asked by organizers of Agile Meetups at Budapest to provide  Agile Games talk. It was great opportunity to bring not just a presentation, but to really show how and why agile is good way of work. Agile transition is very often the current case in companies. Companies look for [...]

February 11th, 2011|Categories: Agile Knowledge Hub, All|

Prepare Definition of Done together

As you are aware, Scrum is based on values very nice summarized by Mike Vizdos's o this cartoon. All of them, however, requires to define working agreement supporting creation of these values. An adaptation is in Scrum done at different levels, mostly through collaboration. Teams  have to have common understanding, common vocabulary. We use [...]

Product owner briefly

Product owner is a key role in Scrum framework. Companies used to start with intorudction of agile in development team, but the biggest mistake is missing preparation of Product owners before scrum/agile adaptation. Following slides pprovides fundamental information about Scrum and agile to Product owner role. Product Owner Briefly View more presentations from Dusan [...]

January 13th, 2011|Categories: Agile Knowledge Hub, All|Tags: , |

Kano Model helps Product Backlog Prioritization

Product management is about searching for the most important requirement that needs to be delivered as the next. There are different prioritization practices. One such dimension that product owner should be aware of is expected customer satisfaction. Satisfaction with developed feature or story. Mr. Noriaki Kano developed Kano model as valuable technique helping to recognize that. Applying this [...]

Agile prioritization. What to build the first?

Product owner  is often confronted with a large backlog. This post continues  to explain how to consider priority of stories. See principles in previous post. Measuring risk and positive value allows to calculate the order in which stories should be developed. Very nice and simple visualization can be Risk  vs. Value chart. Chart is split [...]

Business Value is not enough for Product Backlog Prioritization

Agile coaches teach teams to develop a  business value that is delivered at the end of the sprint. But should be a value an indicator of the priority? Yes, but not the only one. There are many other attributes we often forget to consider. We suggest applying a different approach. We would like to have [...]

Scrum training

Are you looking for some ideas what Scrum is about? Check our training lesson we provided for more than 1.000 people in different IT companies of multiple business areas as telco, insurance, financial, startups, ISV, project, and product houses. Our training is about real-life experience, not just a presentation. [...]

December 9th, 2010|Categories: Agile Knowledge Hub, All|Tags: , |