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Daily Stand-up IV. Scrum Master and scrumastership

ScrumMaster is baking the daily bread on the daily stand-up. During these meetings his abilities and knowledge are uncovered. There is a possibility to pick up some useful information about the Scrum Mastership during the certification or specialized trainings but only trough real experience can you gain the deeper insight into the nature of [...]

October 28th, 2013|Categories: Agile Knowledge Hub, All|

Scrum and Agile tips

The suggestions for this week are as follow: The article on the importance of modeling in Agile times, especially when development is built on multiple teams and shared understanding 40 minutes long talk about the correlation between safety and success of agile methods, what to do towards the change of organizational culture and to [...]

October 13th, 2013|Categories: Agile Knowledge Hub, All|

Daily Stand-up done well II.

We approached the reasons for the regular meetings of the team in the first post. Another issue ScumMaster should consider is where the daily stand-up would be held. This topic is obviously more important for the non-distributed teams. The stand-up that has taken place without any changes in a team room is the common mistake [...]

Daily Stand-up done well I.

The daily stand-up is an essential Scrum ceremony that is (luckily) often applied without any further official formalization, especially in small companies where cooperation is still based on conversation. Suddenly these meetings turn down in intensity after several months. During our coaching, many people argue it is waste of time. Why is it so? [...]

September 18th, 2013|Categories: Agile Knowledge Hub, All|

ScrumImpulz 2013, the Agile conference

Proces a agile (pre ScrumImpulz 2013) from ScrumDesk Agile in large organizations from Zuzi Sochova Ján Masaryk, Zavádzanie Agile vo veľkej spoločnosti Fix price-with-scrum eng from agilesk Roman Jurkech - Agilne na testing v Agile from agilesk

May 19th, 2013|Categories: All, Events|Tags: |

James Heidema, Agile for sales & non-IT teams workshop

IT companies apply agile principles and methods to intensify the speed of delivery and its cadence while increasing the business value delivered to customers. But can be agile implemented in non-IT companies as well?  The answer is yes. Agile is about principles, not technologies. It comes from industry and it has been adopted to [...]

April 13th, 2013|Categories: All, Events|Tags: |

ScrumDesk 5.7.31: Parking Lot Report. Release Planning

Parking Lot As a product owner, you often need to have an overview what is happening to your backlog.  Parking lot (suggested by Mike Cohn) provides a very useful overview. The version 5.7.31 brings additional filters based on releases and sprints. Release overview in Parking Lot: Sprint overview in Parking Lot: Stories Overview Do you [...]

ScrumDesk 5.7.30: Swimlanes, Story Details

Today's release contains more than 20 improvements we focused on. The main goal was to improve the editing of stories, planning, and provide better visibility of your  Kanban boards. Swimlanes in Kanban board Swimlanes in Kanban board brings visibility in complex backlogs. Button displays  menu from which users can choose based on what story attributes [...]

Certified Scrum Master course in Bratislava on May 13th

Bratislava, Slovakia 13 May 2013 (till 14 May 2013)  Join our highly-interactive two-day class from the Agile Eastern Europe leader - Alexey Krivitsky. Alexey has been mastering Scrum since 2004 as a ScrumMaster, an Agile Coach, and a Certified Scrum Trainer. Now he is a managing partner of SCRUMguides and Agile Eastern Europe Conference. Get ready for serious [...]

March 17th, 2013|Categories: All, Events|Tags: |

ScrumDesk for Windows 5.6.25: Custom Fields Export & Import

Custom fields export and import have been added to the latest version of the ScrumDesk for Windows. This is helpful in case the Product Owner needs further analyze the product backlog. Custom fields are used to evidence the company's specialties as budgeting, software components, systems or dependencies on other organization units. Changes: [New] Custom [...]

ScrumDesk for Windows (retired) 5.6.21: Changes Synchronisation

Few customers running the ScrumDesk repositories on servers at different timezone reported problems while editing stories or tasks in ScrumDesk for Windows. The values were not saved and previous values were loaded from the repository. This behavior is fixed now thanks to the collaboration with Andrea, Shane, and Satiapriya.

ScrumDesk 5.6: DropBox integration + WIP limits

Dropbox integration The latest version brings the possibility to link files stored in the Dropbox cloud service. ScrumDesk uses the Dropbox application model which means that only files stored in Dropbox in Apps/ScrumDesk folder are. The files might be linked to projects, releases, sprints, stories, and tasks as well. For more information read [...]

How to link files from Dropbox to ScrumDesk

The latest version brings the possibility to link files stored in Dropbox cloud service. ScrumDesk uses Dropbox application model which means that only files stored in Dropbox in Apps/ScrumDesk folder are available. The files might be linked to project, releases, sprints, stories, and tasks as well. How to link a file from Dropbox Click drop [...]

ScrumDesk BurnDown Charts, Synchronization improvements

This version fixes v.5.5 published the last week: Burn-down charts were not displayed correctly in some cases (i.e. sprint backlog contains stories with a long history). Fixes of the synchronization in five different cases (the first update in a day, update of a story in case tasks are changed, etc.). Minor visual improvements of [...]

ScrumDesk 5.4.12: Improved Background Synchronization

Thanks to all our customers who sent us very positive feedback on the last version supporting simultaneous editing of tasks. And thanks to customers who informed us about issues we did not identify. In the newest version 5.4.12, we continuously focused on improvements of background synchronization. Sync interval shortened to 1 second, changes are [...]

ScrumDesk 5.4.11: Simultaneous editing

We have something cool today. Something unique. An Instant Board By this version, you have an instant & continuously updated task board allowing everybody to have the current backlog on a desk. Simply to say it means simultaneous editing of stories. Edit title or description. Estimate story. Move a card or change the card's [...]

October 20th, 2012|Categories: All, ScrumDesk Windows Edition (retired)|

Win Agile Prague conference tickets!

ScrumDesk company) and organizers of Agile Prague conference offer free ticket for Agile Prague! What you need to do is just to answer few questions. The questions are in Slovak language. Why come to Prague, October 3.-4.  2012: Because you can see amazing Prague :). Bacuse you can meet more than 100 agilists who [...]

August 10th, 2012|Categories: All, Events|Tags: |

The book: Who is Agile?

As Agile is spreading more and more in the field, there is a bigger opportunity you can meet people who are involved in Agile for many years already. We at ScrumDesk appreciate a new project that helps you to recognize: who is who, what the story is behind that person, how can be given [...]

May 18th, 2012|Categories: Agile Knowledge Hub, All|

ScrumDesk for Windows: All Features List

Ceremonies Project definition Product Planning Releases planning Sprints planning Parallel development of releases in one sprint Sprint execution Retrospective Estimation by Team Planning Poker® scale User Story Simultaneous editing Electronic Id Status Predefined + customizable workflow To do, Checked out, Solved, Completed Other details Title, Description, Acceptance criteria Planning Type, Theme, Tags, Release, Sprint [...]

April 30th, 2012|Categories: All, ScrumDesk Windows Edition (retired)|

ScrumDesk Impediments Management

The latest build includes following changes. Installation Easier upgrade of repository Repository is possible to update directly from ScrumDesk directly. Only SQL Server 2008 R2 is supported. Please use Repository Manager in case your SQL server is 2005 or 2008 R1. This feature will allows us to distribute new versions smoothly. Quick filter in [...]

Agile Consultancy Services for Slovakia and Czechia

Spoločnosť ScrumDesk ponúka konzultačné služby počas posledných troch rokov. Naša viditeľnosť na Slovensku a v Českej Republike nebola výrazná, keďže sme sa viac zameriavali na spoločnosti sídliace v  zahraničí. Tento rok je našim cieľom výraznejšie pomáhať spoločnostiam, ktoré vytvárajú hodnoty v strednej a východnej Európe a predovšetkým v Slovenskej a Českej republike.  Krajiny, v [...]

February 29th, 2012|Categories: All|

ScrumDesk for Windows 5.2.8

This new version brings two important features: support of Windows Azure cloud data storage project-level impediments and auto-upload of changed attachments We continue to add additional rules into the integrated coach module you found usable to identify gaps in your agility. We also have started a collaboration with agile coaches to bring more knowledge [...]