Blog on Agile principles, practices, and project management tools
Meaningful Agile
Kudo cards: The Tool for Motivation and Retrospective
Being agile means receiving feedback, accepting it and changing. To get feedback you probably do retrospective once a sprint, but there are other activities that can provide ideas at any time, motivate and “spice up” your retro all at once. We’re talking about Kudo cards. Kudo cards is a technique described in Management 3.0 designed to help deliver feedback and motivate people in the right way. The word [...]
Meetup Scaled Agility v Košiciach, 10.10.2019
Po dlhšej odmlke zvolávame Agile Meetup v Košiciach. O Agile sa už toho narozprávalo veľa a v Košiciach agilné praktiky aplikuje skoro každá IT firma. Niektoré firmy však dnes potrebujú agilné princípy aplikovať vo veľkom. Preto tentokrát bude meetup na tému Scaled Agility. Kde? Stretneme sa netradične na novom tradičnom mieste v Nico Caffe na Kuzmányho ulici v Košiciach o 18 hodine. Čo nas čaká? 1.SAFe@GigaBit, T-Systems Slovakia Martin [...]
ScrumDesk Mobile for iOS is available
ScrumDesk mobile gives you high transparency and control over the management of projects in an agile way. With mobile edition you will be able: Access projects developed by your teams. Check all planned, active and finished iterations or sprints. See all product backlog requirements. Understand who is working on which task. Track task status from the mobile application fast. Track estimated, remaining and spent time in work logs. [...]
How to split user stories? Part 2: By Operations
User stories splitting, working with epic, epic splitting into user stories. One great art. In the first part, we have shown you examples for splitting requirements into smaller ones by the process. Although this is the last division step for many Product Owners, this is not enough for a reasoned app. In this part, we will take a look at another handy option. By operations. Hmm, what do [...]
How to split user stories? Part 1: By Workflow
The examples were created in the form of a user story map using the ScrumDesk app, where you can easily create a backlog from epics to embedded features to user stories. So far, in our consultation with the agile teams, we have always encountered unfamiliarity in each team about how to split the requirements into smaller ones in the right way. This usually ends with comments saying that [...]
Ten tips for Product Owner on How to Support Daily Standup
In your opinion, is the Product Owner a member of the team? Usually, the team's answer during agile mentoring is that they are not. Although the Product Owner is not familiar with the technical development, their presence on daily stand-ups is very important. However, since they do not participate in the implementation itself, the team can consider them as a foreign element and have a problem performing in [...]
Personal Map: The Tool to Strengthen The Team
Do you feel that your team needs to improve relationships, or do you want to help them get to know each other better? Try personal maps with them, and you will not regret it. A personal map is a technique that helps people find common topics for conversation effortlessly and easily. Get inspired on how to create them easily and how to make them a fun teambuilding activity. [...]
What is Minimum Viable Product
Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a frequently used word today in development. For a Product Owner it is one of the foundations of Agile and a successful product. However, are you sure you know what MVP is and how it differs from the minimum marketable product (MMP)? Many people mistake or misuse these terms. Even when you google the definition of MVP, it is very easy to come across confusing [...]
How to substitute the Product Owner or Scrum Master during vacation
It’s finally hot outside, and plane tickets to Spain are cheaper. Relaxing by the sea or relaxing from these heatwaves in Norway means temporarily leaving your team. Even if you only leave for two weeks, it may be challenging for them. Or for you, if during your vacation instead of googling the opening hours for the closest bar you’re dealing with 20 missed calls. To make your absence [...]
ScrumDesk, GitHub, BitBucket and Redmine integrations
GitHub integration Is your project stored in GitHub while the project is managed in ScrumDesk? From now don't forget to mention #ScrumDeskBacklogItemID in the commit, or comment, or wiki page title and the link to them will be added to the related backlog item stored in ScrumDesk. Following events are supported: commit comment, wiki page, issue commented, new issue added, or issue title updated, pull request, push, pull [...]
GitLab integration + full screen
GitLab integration Agile teams use a lot of tools these days, especially thanks to DevOps. GitLab is definitely one of the best DevOps tool on the market. It allows to track and manage a variety of activities and assets which can be connected to your product or sprint backlog items. ScrumDesk and GitLab are now tightened closer together by synchronization of: push events, merge request events, comments, [...]
Meet Coach at ScrumImpulz 2019 Agile Coaching Clinic
Ladislav Medveczky Ladislav Medveczky Linkedin ProfileIT engineer, manager, and agile enthusiast who believes that trust leads to much better results than micromanagement.Laci started as a software developer in 1995 in ArtInAppleS, a pioneer and evangelist company of OOP and Smalltalk in Central Europe. In 2000 Laci joined Siemens where he worked on the development of telecommunication software. In 2007 he became a team lead, project manager, and [...]
Manage ScrumDesk Project with Slack
Project management in agile team is done by everybody. This is not an easy task. It requires discipline and drives the focus of the team away from the main activities they like more. ScrumDesk online project management tool is built by our team with a passion for agile practices. We love transparency, the possibility to inspect and to adapt. To improve every day. Many times ideas come from clients [...]
Secure your account with two factors authentication
Enable Two Factors Authentication The two factor authentication increases the security level by inclusion of the mobile device into the authorization process. You will need to enable two factor authentication first: Log into ScrumDesk. Click the avatar in the left menu. Click on the My Profile menu option. Click EDIT button at the top menu to enable 2FA. Click the button ENABLE TWO FACTOR AUTHENTICATION. [...]
Import Trello Board to ScrumDesk
Do you manage projects in Trello? Trello is a great tool for small projects managed by small teams who need transparency of the Kanban board. Trello enables also to tracking of additional information. Anyway, once you think about Scrum, Trello becomes less useful as it lacks important parts that should be in the Scrum project. To find more, read Why is ScrumDesk better than Trello article. If you [...]