Blog on Agile principles, practices, and project management tools
Meaningful Agile
We introduce #ScrumImpulz 2018 speaker: Fernando Colleone, Distributed teams and Agile – does it work? Fernando helps globally distributed teams to become more Agile and deliver value to customers. Senior Project Manager with 13+ years of experience working with Information Technology and Services. Proven demonstration of client relationship building as well as leading global teams from all around the world. He is a pro-active professional with a positive/can-do attitude towards any challenge. Also has strong Interpersonal and Problem Solving Skills. Focused on [...]
We introduce ScrumImpulz 2018 speaker: Dany „Danko“ Kovatch about the right Agile culture!
The first Certified Scrum Trainer in Israel. Well recognized international speaker with unique ways of presenting. 5 years of service in the Israeli army in a special elite program. Served as VP of R&D in several companies. Danko is best known for his great enthusiasm for Scrum. ABOUT THE TALK After figuring out the mechanics of Scrum, it is time to get to a higher level of instilling [...]
We introduce ScrumImpulz 2018 speaker: Jan Majoros, eduScrum, the very real alternative for education process
Experienced Agile practitioner and active member of the Agile community. Jan has a long and successful career in management positions in corporates including Siemens. The enthusiastic person who uses Scrum for developing unique products, which helps to save peoples lives. His way of product ownership is coming hand in hand with knowledge sharing and spreading as much experience as it is possible. How to use Scrum in different [...]
ScrumImpulz 2018: Martin Strigač, CEO Sygic, „Pracovať Agilne s rozumom“
Martin začal svoju púť v IT svete v Žiline ešte na škole, a neskôr, počas svojej kariéry, pracoval na rôznych pozíciách. Keď sa ako vedúci softvérových tímov a neskôr ako riaditeľ divízie dostal k Agile, produkt vyvíjaný pre zdravotné poisťovne bol z pohľadu klienta ale aj používateľov, veľmi úspešný. V spolupráci so scrummastrami, produktovými vlastníkmi a aj vďaka zapojeniu samotných tímov, manažmentu spoločnosti a klientov agile transformácia nebola [...]
ScrumImpulz 2018. Agile in Slovakia in the next decade
Ten years seem like a lot of time but despite that, a lot of people claim that Agile practices are still very young. In 2008 we began to apply then-unknown Agile, and back then we had completely different concepts compared to today. Agile seemed rebellious at that time. Essential, simple, something for non-bureaucrats and practitioners. The real discipline and extent of the changes they require were not so obvious. First few [...]
The journey of one Scrum Master
About the life of the agile team, relations, Scrumastership, responsibilities, and some good practices. “KEEP CALM SCRUM MASTER IS HERE" When I started in one of the company’s development teams, I had no experience with Scrumastership. The team was already formed and was in the “storming” phase. After coming into the team, we reset the team's clock and started from scratch. We were working in some way of [...]
ScrumDesk 6.31: Convert Backlog Items to Epics
Convert backlog item to a feature or epic Sometimes might happen that the user story is bigger than thought originally. In such a case the Product Owner had to create a new epic, enter necessary details and move backlog items to it. For such a situation, we added a new command Convert backlog item to epic. Select any backlog item card and choose click the icon in the side [...]
ScrumDesk 6.30.1: Clone Tasks
Clone task After few years, the agile squad used to find a structure of subtasks that are repeated for every backlog item. ScrumDesk offers the possibility to define story templates in such case, but sometimes quicker action is necessary. Clone subtask Now it is easy to clone a task by one click on Copy icon displayed on a card in the top right corner, or in the [...]
ScrumDesk 6.29.1: Improved Root Cause Analysis Editor + Kanban
Root Cause Analysis Editor We are glad to see more and more (and especially experienced) agile teams use the Root Cause Analysis editor to build a shared understanding of the reasons for their impediments. This way agile teams can focus on the true cause of the problem instead of solving some indicators. In this version, we redesigned the RCA editor and provided many new options so your analysis [...]
ScrumImpulz 2018, 6th year of the Slovak conference about agile practices
ScrumImpulz 2018, the oldest Slovak conference about Agile practices The sixth year of the Slovak ScrumImpulz conference will be held on May 31, 2018, in Bratislava. Like every year, we would like to bring quality speakers who do not only talk about Agile an Scrum but live by it in their real lives. There has been more than enough theories published in the past 10 years [...]
Establish self-organization in Agile Team
Self-organized teams are fundamental to the success of agile approaches. But what does self-organization means? 5-6 years ago we started to introduce agile to CxO of multiple clients. I remember that the most unbelievable for them was a term self-organized teams. Well, it was unimaginable to see people working without any Mr. Commander. Without somebody who delegates work, knows what is expected and how to achieve that in [...]
Who is Product Owner? The Product Owner Role description
Chooses the right things. Many customers of our consultancy services ask us for some brief and practical description of the role of the Product Owner. Here is our attempt to provide not just some theory, but some additional practical tips for this role as well. The Product Owner The Product Owner role is a key role responsible for the Return of Investment of the product. He is the [...]
Epical epic. Agile epic examples
What is an agile epic, what to use it for, and foremost how? Requirements. Small, large, technical, business, operational, and researchable. And above all, plenty of them. During four years of ScrumDesk development, we have more than 800 requirements in our backlog. And these are the only requirements that we have decided to implement without any further ideas that would be nice to have. It is, of course, [...]
De-bugize! Plan bug fixing in Scrum
Are you distressed by the huge amount of defects in the product? In this article, you will learn about what practical possibilities you have in agile teams and managing error correction. One of the first questions that pop up whilst introducing agile is how to deal with errors. Too often I hear an immediate answer: ‘Agile is not appropriate for fixing mistakes, it is a nonsense, impossible and unwanted.‘ In [...]
Hey Scrum Master and Product Owner! Do not overdo it with perfectionism.
Story A: Joe I’ve known ever since high school. Incredibly nice, funny guy. The one you’d like to have in a team. Scrum was always an interesting topic for Joe and he’d read many books about it and showed a lot of interest. When I asked the team who'd wanted to be a Scrum Master, Joe raised his hand saying he’d like to give it a try, if [...]