Daily life

The Kanban board is a primarily visual tool for the self-organized team. Kanban board is split into multiple columns and rows (swimlanes). The main goal is to visualize work and its status.

ScrumDesk board provides access to user stories and tasks selected for a particular sprint.

ScrumDesk Start kanban board

Tasks and status

Stories are typically broken into one or more tasks represented as small cards pinned on the board.

Team members used to move tasks between different columns representing the status of the particular task. In ScrumDesk Start tasks can be just dragged with the mouse cursor and dropped to the target column.


The team may need to group similar stories into swimlanes to easily find out the status of such group, i.e. by KANO prioritization as seen in the picture below. Group statistics are provided for every group in the group header.

scrumdesk Kanban board with swimlanes