Agile Fundamentals

Agile Estimation: Principles

Estimation has been questioned in software development for many years. How can an estimate be made accurately and quickly? And is estimation even necessary? Well, that is the question for thousands of bucks. Because estimation might be expensive. Especially in the age of changes. Time as an estimation unit is wrong! In our agile [...]

How to build product: Let’s start with the business

Agile development works very well in the product development area. But to build a successful product is much more work than just gather requirements and implement them.  One of the trickiest things in agile development is how to prepare requirements that are ready for incremental development while still delivering some value for the customers. [...]

Prioritization by Business value in Agile

The first blog post about prioritization was focused on MoSCoW - prioritization of the backlog from the perspective of customers. This is not enough for the products development of the commercial company. You need to survive, to pay bills, to pay the next sprints. You have to think about features from the perspective of the [...]

How to prioritize in Agile I.: Customer’s perspective with MoSCoW

Prioritization is probably the most discussed part of development processes. Product backlogs are often quite complex with hundreds of requirements. How to find user stories in your story map which you should start developing first? Traditional approach The approach of traditional processes is simple. You have high, medium, low priorities. Ok, for some organizations [...]

How To: Business Model and the Product Strategy

Agile works very well in a product-oriented environment. It’s understandable, as Agile Manifesto as a key document of whole Agile stresses the functional product as one of the most important values. When implementing agile practices, Product development is very often reduced to: Description of responsibilities for Product Owner role, Request recording, Maintenance of backlogs, [...]

AGILE ToolboX, daily standup and Poker Planning cards

AGILE ToolboX is a set of simple tools that agile team can use to support agile planning, daily standups or retrospectives. Agile ToolboX runs in the web browser on any platform.       Cards Different card sets for backlog grooming, planning, team estimation or retrospectives. AGILE ToolboX supports multiple scales to estimate business value, effort or risk level. Teams can use Planning [...]

Webinar: Traditional versus Agile Management

Traditional versus Agile management is fundamentally different in the core principles. This webinar (in Slovak language) summarizes fundamental agile principles: Pull principle, a team pulls requirements and tasks to implement them. As late as possible, details are added as late as possible to do not produce waste working on features that will be removed [...]

November 22nd, 2014|Categories: All, Events|Tags: , , , |

Daily Stand-up done well II.

We approached the reasons for the regular meetings of the team in the first post. Another issue ScumMaster should consider is where the daily stand-up would be held. This topic is obviously more important for the non-distributed teams. The stand-up that has taken place without any changes in a team room is the common mistake [...]

Organize the Product Backlog. The Tree of Requirements

You know that probably. Requirements are coming, coming and coming.  There is no time to stop and think about them. There is no time to organize them. There is no time to analyze your backlog so you know which requirements should be developed next. Even more, many customers ask you about new functionality or defect fixes. In our [...]

Webinar: Agile Estimation of requirements in planning

Agile projects apply different estimation approaches compared to traditional project management. Even there is the discussion of estimation is necessary, agile teams are estimating requirements as clients often want to know effort. Timofey Yevgrashyn is an experienced Agile Coach, who supported the agile transition of many teams. Currently, he is focused on distributed and [...]

February 11th, 2012|Categories: All, Events|Tags: , , |

Agile estimation explained: Story points vs. Hours

When defining a story, one can fill out an ‘effort’ and a ‘duration’. What is the difference between them? What is the story point? Let's start with the story point.  Scrum is „a little bit“ different than other classic project management techniques. When you want to develop some feature, you have to know the „size“ [...]

November 16th, 2011|Categories: Agile Knowledge Hub, All|Tags: , |

The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe): Applying Lean-Agile to the Enterprise by Drew Jemilo

The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is a proven, publicly available framework for applying Lean-Agile practices to the enterprise. It will soon be available to the general public in a structured format on an interactive website. SAFe has been scaled to over 140 teams and 1,000 people, yet can still be applied to smaller companies [...]

November 13th, 2011|Categories: All, Events|Tags: , |

Scrum Basics, Mike Vizdos, Sustainable Software Development, part I.

Michael Vizdos from Agile Renovation, explains Agile principles focusing on Scrum project management framework. Presented on 29. September 2011. Sustainable Software Development (Part I.) - Scrum Basics from ScrumDesk on Vimeo. Agile Knowledge Hub is supported by ScrumDesk company. With help of partners, coaches, speakers, and practitioners Agile Knowledge Hub provides a possibility to see, hear, [...]

September 30th, 2011|Categories: All, Events|Tags: , , |

Agile Knowledge Hub

After four years of scrum project management solutions development, working in an agile environment, and coaching agile in organizations, we would like to announce our new approach to help our community to learn more about Agile. Doing support of our solutions we have heard a lot of questions. Despite people asking questions related to [...]

September 25th, 2011|Categories: Agile Knowledge Hub, All|Tags: |

User Stories Relations and Dependencies

The customer asked us an interesting question regarding the relations of stories in ScrumDesk. What ScrumDesk supports now is simple relations tracking solution, the possibility to track, see and print out it in documents. For the first look, some basic functionality in ScrumDesk is missing. The functionality similar to Gantt chart way of relations [...]

What does your BurnDown chart say?

ScrumDesk analyzes agile practices applied by teams and helps ScrumMasters to identify gaps quickly. These tips and findings of BurnDown charts are based on our 14+ years of agile coaching. Check additional metrics that ScrumDesk helps to track. Burn Down Chart is a primary scrum metric used to track the implementation progress of the [...]

Start Agile Transformation of your teams with The Drawing Game

The transition of teams to agile is always challenging. People have expectations, habits, and beliefs about Agile. We worked with teams they were saying We are agile already. Because we are time boxed. Well, yes, you are right. Partially. The agile means a much wider range of practices. An agile coach can explain principles [...]

Prepare Definition of Done together

As you are aware, Scrum is based on values very nice summarized by Mike Vizdos's o this cartoon. All of them, however, requires to define working agreement supporting creation of these values. An adaptation is in Scrum done at different levels, mostly through collaboration. Teams  have to have common understanding, common vocabulary. We use [...]

Product owner briefly

Product owner is a key role in Scrum framework. Companies used to start with intorudction of agile in development team, but the biggest mistake is missing preparation of Product owners before scrum/agile adaptation. Following slides pprovides fundamental information about Scrum and agile to Product owner role. Product Owner Briefly View more presentations from Dusan [...]

January 13th, 2011|Categories: Agile Knowledge Hub, All|Tags: , |

Business Value is not enough for Product Backlog Prioritization

Agile coaches teach teams to develop a  business value that is delivered at the end of the sprint. But should be a value an indicator of the priority? Yes, but not the only one. There are many other attributes we often forget to consider. We suggest applying a different approach. We would like to have [...]

How to do Agile Estimation by Mike Cohn

How to do Agile estimation with story points? Agile estimation is based on simple principles: apply relative comparison as people are better in relative estimation not absolute, compare items with estimation references included in the estimation catalogue, use a simple scale based on the modified Fibonacci scale numbers of which are known as the [...]

September 23rd, 2010|Categories: Agile Knowledge Hub, All|Tags: , |